To work out 36 divided by 9, you can use long division or the concept of repeated subtraction. In long division, you would divide 36 by 9, which equals 4. Alternatively, you can subtract 9 from 36 repeatedly until you reach 0, counting the number of times you subtract 9, which is also 4. Therefore, 36 divided by 9 equals 4.
Yes.It is. 36 divide by 9 equals 4.
Answer: (6*9) minus (36/4) = 45
Divide both by 9: 27/36 = (3*9)/(4*9) = 3/4
8 not divide into 36 without a remainder.
28 ÷ 4 = 736 ÷ 4 = 9
If 9n = 36 then we divide both sides by 9 to discover what value n has If we divide 9n by 9 we get n If we divide 36 by 9 we get 4 so, if 9n = 36 the n = 4
Yes.It is. 36 divide by 9 equals 4.
36 and 9 36 divide by 9 = 4 36 minus 9 = 27
-36 because -36/9 = -4
Divide 9 by 1/4 and that is 36 Another way to look at this is divide 9 by 0.25 = 9/0.25 = 900/25 = 36
That simply means you are supposed to divide 36 by 9.
54 ÷ 6 + 36 + 9 = 54
4/9 x 36 = 16 (divide 9 into 36 = 4 and 4 x 4 =16)
Answer: (6*9) minus (36/4) = 45