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u times the length by the width. ( that means times the line going across buy the line going down)

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Q: How do you work out the area of 2D shapes?
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What is the Difference between base and area of base?

base is for 2d shapes and area of base is for 3d shapes

Which is a 3d shape?

That will depend on what they are but in general 3D shapes have surface area and volume whereas 2D shapes have only surface area.

What are 2D shapes?

2d shapes are shapes that can only be seen from the front unlike 3d shapes and they are flat

What are 2d-shapes?

2d shapes are shapes that can only be seen from the front unlike 3d shapes and they are flat

All 2d shapes with pictures?

it is all the 2d shapes with pics

Is there any 2d shapes in the world?

what are the 2d shapes of the real world

What 2d shape?

2d shapes are shapes that can only be seen from the front unlike 3d shapes and they are flat

Dimensions of 2D shapes?

The 2 dimensions of 2d shapes and length and breadth.

How do the 2D shapes that make a rectangular prism help solve for the volume?

The answer depends on what is known about the 2d shapes.The answer depends on what is known about the 2d shapes.The answer depends on what is known about the 2d shapes.The answer depends on what is known about the 2d shapes.

How is 2d related with 3d?

Not too sure of the question but 2 dimensional shapes have only surface area whereas 3 dimensional shapes have surface area and volume

Is volume only for 3D shapes?

The volume of anything is always the area of the base of the object times the height. Therefore, to find the volume the object must have a height, which makes volume work with all 3D shapes. If one is looking at a 2D shape, then there is no height so a volume cannot be calculated (note: areas may be found of 2D shapes).

What are all of the 2d shapes?

There are infinitely many 2d shapes so it is impossible to list them all.