Eight and five tenths.
you WRITE 0.022 like this: zero point zero two two.
Write the following decimals in words. 0.26 2.0.45 0.58
Sixty-five thousandths
40,000 is forty thousand (in words).
.0067 could be written a couple of ways: Point zero zero six seven Sixty-seven ten-thousandths
i want the answer Shabbir
.0067 cubic centimeters
How do you write 523560 in words in UAE
Yes call 1-800-643-0067 for replacement parts
0067 is the same as 67 and 67*100 = 6700% But 0.067 = 6.7%
You do not write numbers in exponent for in words.
Yes you do say and write words again.
The way to write it in words is... fiftytwo point eight.
Words that can be made from the letters in 'write' are:Iireittietirewewetwirewitwrit
To write 7.5 in words, you would write "seven point five." This represents the whole number 7 followed by a decimal point and the fractional part 5 tenths. In this case, the decimal point separates the whole number from the fractional part, and the word "point" is used to indicate the decimal point.