0.635 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, since it is a decimal fraction, there is not another simpler decimal form. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 635/1000 which can be simplified to 159/200.
To write the number foruteen as a fraction you write: 14/1.
It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.
Write as a fraction in simplest form
This is how you write an equivalent fraction:2/4=1/2
7/25 is a proper fraction and there is no sensible way to write it as an improper fraction.
0635 metres, no matter where the decimal point goes as 6cm is 0.06m
0.0635 pounds is equal to 1.016 ounces.
6:35 a.m.
635 meters
The answer will depend on what the fraction is.
Restate the question: If you can write a fraction as a decimal, can you write a decimal as a fraction?Yes.
how do you write 4.25 as a fraction
To write the number foruteen as a fraction you write: 14/1.
0.538 You can write this in fraction as :- = 538 / 1000 (answer)
blank = representation.
926 is an integer and there is not a sensible way to write it as a fraction.
Write 107.17 as 107 17/100 as a fraction.