In standard form, the decimal point is placed after the first digit and the power of 10 is how many digits the decimal point has to move to get back to its original place (positive to the right, negative to the left).
The decimal point doesn't have to move (any digits) to get back to its original position so the power of 10 is 0:
1.06 = 1.06x100
It is: 9.3*106
1.30 million in standard form is 1.3 × 106
It is: 4.0*106
It is: 1.3*106 1,300,000
3.6 million = 3.6*106
5.37 106 in standard form is 5.37 x 106
8.916 106 (8.916 x 106) in standard form is 8,916,000
6.07 x 106 in standard form is 6,070,000
You write 7,630,000 in standard form as 7.63 × 106
It is: 1.879*106 in standard form or scientific notation
It is: 9.3*106
1.30 million in standard form is 1.3 × 106
4.4 million standard form is 4.4 × 106