Expressed in decimal form, 106/1000000 is equal to 0.000106.
106/1,000,000 or 0.000106
Two million five hundred thousand = 2,500,000 Standard Form = 2.5 x 106 It is 106 because the decimal was moved six places over
It is: 9.3*106
Expressed in decimal form, 106/1000000 is equal to 0.000106.
106/1,000,000 or 0.000106
That is in decimal form, my friend.
4.0 * 106 = 4 000 000
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 106/10 is equal to 10.6.
5.37 106 in standard form is 5.37 x 106
8.916 106 (8.916 x 106) in standard form is 8,916,000
1.695 x 106