Ten hundred thousand is a thousand thousand which is a million = 1,000,000
ten hundred thousand
I would write, one thousand, three hundred and forty as: 1,340
12111 rupees
8 millions 12 hundred thousands 11 ten thousand 9 thousand in standard form is: 9,221,000
i think this is rights the answer is 11,00011,ok thank you
Normally you have a hundred thousand, not thousand hundred. and it is 100,000
11,000 + 1100 + 11 = 12,111
11,000 + 1,100 + 11 = 12,111
Eleven thousand eleven hundred eleven would be written as 12,111, as 11 hundred is actually 1,100 which added to 11 thousand gives 12,100. In Roman numerals this would be written as (XII)CXI
11,000 (eleven thousand) + 1,100 (eleven hundred) + 11 (eleven) = 12,111
8 Million = 8,000,000 12 Hundred Thousand = 1,200,000 11 Ten Thousand = 11,000 (Doesn't sound proper though) 9 Thousand = 9,000 9,220,000 is your answer.