12,000 is twelve thousand.
1,200 is twelve hundred.
12 is twelve.
This is not a way of reading any number out loud.
12 thousand + 12 hundred + 12 = 13,212
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 1,200,000. Keep in mind that this would usually be read as one million two hundred thousand.
Ten hundred thousand is a thousand thousand which is a million = 1,000,000
ten hundred thousand
12 thousand + 12 hundred + 12 = 13,212
12 thousand + 12 hundred + 12 = 13,212
14,212 lbs.
Normally you have a hundred thousand, not thousand hundred. and it is 100,000
8 millions 12 hundred thousands 11 ten thousand 9 thousand in standard form is: 9,221,000
2,000,300 11,200 12
12 660 000
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 1,200,000. Keep in mind that this would usually be read as one million two hundred thousand.