13 = thirteen.
One hundred sixty-one dollars and thirty cents.
You write it as 3.5 cents.
It is 13/20 * 100 cents = 65 cents.
60 cents is 0.60
To write cents on a check, you can use a fraction or write the amount in words. For example, if you want to write 50 cents, you can write it as "50/100" or "fifty cents."
Yes, when writing a check, you should write out the amount in cents in words.
Eighty-two cents.
To write cents on a check, you can use a fraction or write the amount in words followed by the word "cents." For example, 50 cents can be written as "50/100" or "fifty cents."
Eight and three tenths cents.
To write cents on checks, you can use a fraction or write the amount in words followed by the word "cents." For example, 50 cents can be written as "50/100" or "fifty cents."
Seven dollars and seventy-eight cents.
Forty-four thousand, twenty-seven cents.
To write cents in a check, you can use both numerals and words. For example, if you are writing a check for 25.50, you would write "Twenty-five and 50/100" in the cents line.
To write out cents on a check, you can use both words and numbers. For example, if you are writing a check for 25.50, you would write "Twenty-five and 50/100" on the line for the amount in words.
To write a check for cents, you write the amount in dollars followed by a decimal point and then the cents amount in words. For example, if you want to write a check for 25.50, you would write "Twenty-five dollars and 50/100."
Thirty-six dollars and eleven cents.