A quarter means 1/4. So 1/4 of a million dollars is $250,000.
1,400,000,000 1 million = 1,000,000 (6 zeros)
"One million and fifty thousand" in figures would be written like this: 1,050,000.
1,250,000 (Simple!) or look.... first of course you need to know what a quarter million is, actaually what a quarter is ... and add it to a million 1,000,000 + 250,000= 1,250,000 cause a qaurter is 25 and cause a quarter million is gonna be 1 million plus 250 thousand k?? because of the zeroes...hope that helped! ps.. think about it... a million is made up of 1 and 6 zeroes so if you say a quarter million just add a zero in the thousands place..
assuming 1 14 is one and a quarter 1,250,000 one million two hundred and fifty thousand
One million = 1,000,000 in figures
It is: 1,000,000 pounds in figures
1 000 000
It is: 250,000 = 1/4 of a million
A quarter means 1/4. So 1/4 of a million dollars is $250,000.
One and a quarter million is written as either 1,250,000 or 1 250 000
1,400,000,000 1 million = 1,000,000 (6 zeros)