We write it as 20,00,000Lakh is used in Indian system of writing numerals.
1.8 lakh crore how to wright
To write 5 lakh on a check, you would write "Five Lakh" followed by the word "Only" to indicate the amount in words. In the numerical box on the check, you would write "500,000" to represent 5 lakh in numerical form. It is important to write the amount clearly and accurately to avoid any confusion or errors when the check is processed.
It is 0.5 lakh.
We write it as 20,00,000Lakh is used in Indian system of writing numerals.
Fiftyfive million one lakh sixtytwo thousand and ninetyfour
Whether it is "one lakh", "two lakh" or "fifty lakh", the word is written in singular and not in plural. Please note that the word "lakh" takes the singular form but the word following "lakh" takes the plural form. You can say " two lakh rupees" or " five lakh tonnes" but not " two lakhs rupees" or "five lakhs tonnes". This is on the analogy of the words " million" and "billion". For example, we say " 5 million" or " 5 billion dollars" but not "5 millions" / " 5 billions dollars". However, in a table of figures, you can say " in lakhs of rupees" and not " in lakh of rupees".
1 lakh = 100,00045 lakh = 4,500,00045 lakh = four million, five hundred thousand.
To write 12.5 lakh in numbers, you would write it as 1,250,000. The term "lakh" is commonly used in the Indian numbering system to represent 100,000. Therefore, when you have 12.5 lakh, you are referring to 12.5 times 100,000, which equals 1,250,000.
It is fifty lakh crore.
Ten lakh is written out numerically as 10,00,000.
Not sure what "lakh" is, but 20 is XX.
1.8 lakh crore how to wright
Its neither lac nor lack. Lakh is the correct word. You should write as Five Lakh Rupees but not Five Lakhs Rupees