this is how you write 9 and 26 thousandths in decimal form - 9.26
To write 4 and 26 ten-thousandths in standard form, we first write the whole number 4. Then, we add the decimal point followed by the digits representing the decimal part, which is 26 ten-thousandths. In standard form, this would be written as 4.0026.
this is how you write 9 and 26 thousandths in decimal form - 9.26
26/1000 = 0.026
26/100,000 = 0.00026
If you mean 8 and 26/10,000 then it is 8.0026 as a decimal
To write 4 and 26 ten-thousandths in standard form, we first write the whole number 4. Then, we add the decimal point followed by the digits representing the decimal part, which is 26 ten-thousandths. In standard form, this would be written as 4.0026.
You write 28 thousandths as: 0.028
How to write sixty thousandths is like this .0060