you write 85 thousand in digits is like this Eighty- five -thousand
how do you write a check for eight thousand and no dollars
Thirteen thousand
Ten hundred thousand is a thousand thousand which is a million = 1,000,000
The standard form is 28,600,000
Twenty-eight million, nine-hundred thousand
One thousand one hundred thirty and 28/100 dollars
Write it as: Six hundred eleven thousand, four hundred eighty-two and 28/100 dollars
Twenty eighth of April two thousand and thirteen.
It is: 1,028,000 = 1.028*106 in standard form or scientific notation
28 342 007 American: 28,342,007
how do I write five thousand **************************************** 5,000
you write 85 thousand in digits is like this Eighty- five -thousand
Twenty eight million, three hundred and two thousand, six hundred and three.
Forty five thousand