Yes, 1.212 can be expressed as a fraction. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we first write the decimal as a fraction over its place value. In this case, 1.212 can be written as 1212/1000. To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4 in this case. Therefore, 1.212 can be expressed as 303/250.
6.06 = 606/100 = 303/50
To write the number foruteen as a fraction you write: 14/1.
6.06 = 6 and 6/100 = 606/100 = 303/50
It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.It is an integer, not a fraction, but if you must, you could write it as 147000/1.
303/100 = 3.03
0.303 = 303/1000
It is: 303/2000 in its lowest terms
303% (ur welcome)
It is: 0.303 = 303/1000
0.7575 = 7575/10000 = 303/400
Yes, 1.212 can be expressed as a fraction. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we first write the decimal as a fraction over its place value. In this case, 1.212 can be written as 1212/1000. To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4 in this case. Therefore, 1.212 can be expressed as 303/250.
3.03 = 3 3/100 or 303/100
what ever number followed by 303 zero's. Ex: 1 (and 303 0's.)