To write the number 3000000 plus 40000 plus 8000 plus 2 plus .07 plus .003 in standard form, you would add all the numbers together to get 3,045,002.073. This number can be expressed in standard form as 3.045002073 x 10^6, where the decimal point is moved to the left to create a number between 1 and 10, and the exponent indicates how many places the decimal point was moved.
How do write 666 in standard form?
It is already in standard form.
That is the standard form!
Standard form of 3000000 + 7000 + 1 = 3007001
100000000 + 3000000
Three million.
It is 3.007001*106
It is 80000000 + 3000000.
It is 80000000 + 3000000 + 20000 + 3000 + 7.
To write the number 3000000 plus 40000 plus 8000 plus 2 plus .07 plus .003 in standard form, you would add all the numbers together to get 3,045,002.073. This number can be expressed in standard form as 3.045002073 x 10^6, where the decimal point is moved to the left to create a number between 1 and 10, and the exponent indicates how many places the decimal point was moved.