three hundred forty thousand dollars
There are 340.
340 is an integer, not a fraction. But, if you had to write it as a fraction, you could use 340/1.
340 nickels
three hundred forty thousand dollars
Three hundred forty and 00/100 dollars
Well, darling, to write out 340 dollars on a check, you would start with "Three hundred forty" followed by the word "dollars." Make sure to fill in the dollar sign box and the amount box with the numbers "340.00" to match. And don't forget to sign it with your fabulous signature!
$340 is £280.19
340 is CCCXL
There are 340.
340 is written three hundred and forty
340 is an integer, not a fraction. But, if you had to write it as a fraction, you could use 340/1.
340, 680, 1020.