I write it as 37000463011406 (as I use the long scale).
Some people would write it as 37463011406 (as they use the short scale).
4.004065005 x 1011 is the scientific notation. The number is read 400 billion 406 million 500 thousand 500. Four hundred bilion four hundred six million five hundred thousand five hundred.
Four hundred six thousand, five hundred eighty-three
In 1998, sales of sunglasses equaled $1.9 billion, with mass retailers accounting for $262 million, optical outlets $406 million, and sunglasses specialty stores $495 million.
It is 407,000
406/100 406%
653.4 million km
Some $2.4 billion worth of shipments were exported in 1997, falling to just over $2 billion in 2001, a decline of $406 million over the five-year period
-4.06 as a fraction = -406/100
Legal and General Investment Management is a major global investor and one of the largest institutional asset managers in Europe. They manage over 3 thousand clients with a total of 406 billion in assets.
406 million