You write 38 billion (38,000,000,000) in standard form as 3.8 × 1010
38.9772 kgThis is 38 and 9772/10,000ths.
38 million in numeric form is written as 38,000,000. This is because the number 38 represents the millions place, and adding six zeros after 38 signifies the magnitude of the number in the millions.
38/55 is in its simplest form.
thirty-eight (I can't believe you don't know this)
38 in percent form = 3800%
38/5 is in its simplest form.
38/1000 = 0.038 since the 3 (most significant digit) is two places to the right of the decimal point, the standard form is: 3.80 * 10^-2
38/57 = 2/3
38.9772 kgThis is 38 and 9772/10,000ths.
38/77 cannot be simplified further.
38 = (3 x 10) + (8 x 1)
38/100 thirty eight over one hundred