To convert a percentage to decimal form divide by 100:
425% = 425 / 100
= 4.25
425% = 17/4 or = 41/4
First, change the percent to a decimal by dividing it by 100. Next, take that result and multiply it by the other number:35 / 100 = 0.350.35 x 425 = 148.75
425 and 32 thousandths (425.032) in standard form is 4.25032 × 102
425/100 = 17/4
It is: 425% = 4.25
.425 425/1000=81/200
425% means 425/100 = 4.25 this is 4 and 1/4 so (4 * 4 + 1)/4 = 17/4 -------------simplest form
425% = 17/4 or = 41/4
4 and 1/4
First, change the percent to a decimal by dividing it by 100. Next, take that result and multiply it by the other number:35 / 100 = 0.350.35 x 425 = 148.75
The standard form is 425,370,000,000
425 is an integer, not a fraction nor a mixed number.
425 and 32 thousandths (425.032) in standard form is 4.25032 × 102