Write the place value of 5 in the following decimal numbers: 5.21
the value of 8 is 80 as it is in the tens place
the value of the underlined digit of 153 is Place of 3 = unit (1), Place of 5 = 10th and Place of 1 = 100th.
The positional place value of 5 in 3,590 is five hundred = 500
The number 2800 is written as "two thousand eight hundred" in words. This follows the standard naming convention where each place value is named, starting from the left-most digit. In this case, "two" represents the thousands place value, "eight" represents the hundreds place value, and "hundred" is used to denote the hundreds place.
You write it as 88.018
7 in the hundred place
999999 and -999999
Write the place value of 5 in the following decimal numbers: 5.21
When a question askes for place value, it means that you have to write in words, therefore the place value of 3 is hundredths.
give the value of the underline digit
What is the place value of the 1 in 1,234,567.890?
To practice place value and spelling.
Four and ten hundredths.
what is the place and the value of 61.672 and 2 is the underlined digit.