Split the number into two parts; before the decimal point and after the decimal point.
Before the decimal point we have 5.
After the decimal point with have .1 which we can write as 0.1. 0.1 means one tenth. Thus as a fraction we would write this as 1/10.
Now just combine the two parts again and we have 5 1/10.
5 and 1/10
51 over 40 as a mixed number = 111/40
3/16 can't be a mixed number however 16/3 as a mixed number is 51/3 if that's what you meant?
There is no equivalent mixed number.
You write 2.875 as a mixed number as: 27/8
2.51 as a mixed number is 2 51/100
11/2 as a mixed number would be 51/2
61 over 12 as a mixed number = 51/12
16 over 3 as a mixed number = 51/3
525 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of representing it as a mixed number.
5 and 1/10
51 over 40 as a mixed number = 111/40
5.25 as a mixed number = 51/4
The fraction 51 over 8 as a mixed number is 63/8
5.008 in mixed number form is 51/125
3/16 can't be a mixed number however 16/3 as a mixed number is 51/3 if that's what you meant?
131 is a prime number 29 is a prime number so the answer is 131/51 = 2 and 29/51 (a mixed number). Note as 29 is also a prime number, the proper fraction 29/51 can not be simplified.