To write 5.7 in words, you would say "five point seven." This represents the decimal number 5.7, where the digit 5 is in the ones place and the digit 7 is in the tenths place. It is important to note the position of the decimal point when converting a decimal number to words.
Decimal Form: 0.57 Fraction Form: 57/100
The answer is 0.57 cause 57 is not a whole number so its behind the decimal......Hope you all will get my answer .PEACE OUT =D57 = 57as a decimal you can write it as:57.0 or 57.00
57 = fifty-seven
It is: 57 = LVII
It is: 57/1000 and as a decimal it is 0.057
57% = 0.57
57 in Roman numerals is LVII
3 x 19 = 57
5.7 is 57 tenths.
It is: 57% = 57/100 which can't be reduced any further
8/57 = 0.140351 (rounded).
It is: 7 and 57/100