It is: 5,250,000
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 6,500,000.
"One million and fifty thousand" in figures would be written like this: 1,050,000.
5,000,000 is how you write 5 million in numbers.
5,250,000 five and a quarter million five million, two hundred and fifty thousand
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 6,071,598.
Expressed in figures, this is equal to 6,500,000.
"One million and fifty thousand" in figures would be written like this: 1,050,000.
To write "5 subtracted from a quarter of s" as an expression, you can first express a quarter of s as s/4, and then subtract 5 from it. The expression would be s/4 - 5.
The sig fig is 5: in significant figures, the amount is 5 hundred million.