0.12 IS an ordinary number. It is an ordinary rational number, written in decimal form - which is a perfectly ordinary way of writing numbers.
If it's the number of tons, you write: ' 1 ' If it's the number of pounds, you write: ' 2,000 ' If it's the number of ounces, you write: ' 32,000 '
0.12 IS an ordinary number. It is an ordinary rational number, written in decimal form - which is a perfectly ordinary way of writing numbers.
you are an ordinary kid and so fashionate
a number in form of decimal
In ordinary writing, the numbers one through ten are written as words. Higher numbers are written as numbers.A sentence should not start with a numeral, so write out the number (or reword the sentence).
An ordinary pen.
Nancy, i thank you for changing my day from ordinary to extraordinary.
To find the number of ordinary share in balance sheet one must observe all the other numbers and find the mean. Once that is founds than the ordinary share number can be calculated.