0.31 is a decimal number that represents thirty-one hundredths. In fraction form, it can be written as 31/100. In percentage form, it is equal to 31%.
Well, honey, .31 is the same as 31 hundredths. So, if you want to get all technical about it, the equivalent decimal to .31 is 0.31. But hey, who's counting, right?
31 ---- 50 31 over 50
The decimal 31 thousand and 57 hundredths is: 31,000.57
31 hundredths as a decimal is 0.31.
.31 3 is in the the tenths and 1 is in the hundredths.
5.31 The 3 is in the tenths decimal place, the 1 is in the hundredths decimal place. That makes 31 hundredths.
.31 If that number is out of 100.
Expressed as a decimal, 31/100000 = 0.00031
Well, honey, .31 is the same as 31 hundredths. So, if you want to get all technical about it, the equivalent decimal to .31 is 0.31. But hey, who's counting, right?