0.0000006 is six ten millionths.
As a fraction 6/10,000,000 cancel down 3/5,000,000
In scientific notation 6.0 x 10^(-7)
ten and five hundred six hundred-thousandths
Ten thousand one hundred thirty-nine millionths.
Twenty millionths = 0.00002
Eight millionths is 0.000008
Do you mean 675/10,000,000 then if so it is: 6.75*10-5
Decimal: 0.0000006 Fraction: 6/10,000,000 Word Form: zero and six ten millionths
It is 0.0000006
Nine ten-millionths.
It is 0.0000006
Seventy-three ten-millionths.
Three and seventeen ten millionths
The question should be "How do you WRITE six millionths?" 6/1,000,000
Ten thousand, one hundred thirty-nine millionths.
Sixty-five millionths.