7,776 is 6x6x6x6x6.
Write abcbabc in exponential form
625 = 6.25 × 102
6x6x6x6x6 = 6⁵
7,776 is 6x6x6x6x6.
Write abcbabc in exponential form
Exponential form is a number with an exponent in it. I'll give you an example. 65 (6x6x6x6x6) 34 (3x3x3x3) An exponent is the smaller floating number to the left of the 6 or 3 in the examples. An exponent or power of a number means to multiply the number be itself that many times, that's how 65 is also 6x6x6x6x6, 6 times itself 5 times. Great.
625 = 6.25 × 102
35,200,000 in exponential form is: 3.52 × 107
36000 in exponential form is 3.6 × 10$4
68975 in exponential form is 6.8975 X 10 ^4.
Not sure about wrighting anything, but you could write it as 123*100 except that is NOT the exponential form.