75 is 750 tenths, or 7500 hundredths.
There are 75 hundredths in 0.75. This is because the number 0.75 can be represented as 75 hundredths (75/100) or 3 quarters (3/4) in decimal form. In other words, 0.75 is equivalent to 75 hundredths.
To convert 40.75 to hundredths, you multiply the whole number part (40) by 100 to get 4000 hundredths. Then, you take the decimal part (.75) and multiply it by 100 to get 75 hundredths. Adding these together, you get 4000 + 75 = 4075 hundredths.
It is 14.75. Standard form is just "number" form, so just write out the number.
There are 5/100 = five hundredths or as 75/100 = seventy five hundredths
-0.75 is -75 hundredths in decimal form.
It is 0.75
16.75 grams.
Twelve and seventy-five hundredths = 12 .75
three quarters seventy-five hundredths
14 and 75/100
75 hundredths
75 hundredths = 75/100 = 0.75
.75 7 = tenths 5= hundredths
75 is 750 tenths, or 7500 hundredths.
There are 75 hundredths in 0.75. This is because the number 0.75 can be represented as 75 hundredths (75/100) or 3 quarters (3/4) in decimal form. In other words, 0.75 is equivalent to 75 hundredths.