As a decimal, 75 thousandths is .075
It is 14.75. Standard form is just "number" form, so just write out the number.
The way you wrote it is the standard notation. Standard notation means to write the number in its standard form. So, a number such as 150 is simply written as 150 in standard notation. The same applies to decimals.
As a decimal, 75 thousandths is .075
The standard form is 7,500,000
It is 14.75. Standard form is just "number" form, so just write out the number.
write number in standard form 75 billion, 84 million, 26 thousand
The way you wrote it is the standard notation. Standard notation means to write the number in its standard form. So, a number such as 150 is simply written as 150 in standard notation. The same applies to decimals.
The thousandths place (10-3) is three places to the right of the decimal point. One thousandth would be written as 0.001 in standard form. Five thousandths is 0.005, and 75 thousandths is 0.075. Hopefully, by now you're getting the idea. One more example: 150 thousandths is 0.150. You should be able to get the answer yourself, now.
14 and 75/100