Yes, the equivalent decimal to 0.7 is indeed 7/10, not 7/100. To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can simply write the decimal as the numerator and place it over the place value of the last digit. In this case, the decimal 0.7 is equivalent to the fraction 7/10.
4 and 7 over 10 as decimal is 4.7
14/20 is the same as 7/10 which is 0.7 as a decimal.
Yes, the equivalent decimal to 0.7 is indeed 7/10, not 7/100. To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can simply write the decimal as the numerator and place it over the place value of the last digit. In this case, the decimal 0.7 is equivalent to the fraction 7/10.
7/10 = 0.7
The decimal form of 7 over 10 is 0.7.
4 and 7 over 10 as decimal is 4.7
.7 you take and move the decimal over 70 because you move the decimal over two times. 70 goes over a hundred and that is equal to 7 over 10 which is equal to .7 or you can write it as 70%. I hope this answer your question!!
7/10 = 0.7
7/2 as a decimal is 3.5
7 and 7/10 = 7.7 as a decimal