15, 800, 000 or 15 800 000 (depending on where you live).
3 800 000 dollars
To convert 800 into a fraction, you can simply write it as 800/1. This is because any whole number can be expressed as itself over 1. So, 800 as a fraction is 800/1.
To write 800 as a decimal, you simply write it as 800.0. This is because the decimal point is placed after the last digit, which is 0 in this case. Therefore, 800 as a decimal is 800.0.
Write 1.98 million is 1,980,000
800,000,000 or 800 000 000
$1 800 000
179 800 000
15, 800, 000 or 15 800 000 (depending on where you live).
The standard form is 4,800,000
3 800 000 dollars
800 x 10^6 = 800000000 = 800,000,000
In two different ways;5,800,000 or "five million, eight hundred thousand".
156.8 million = 156 800 000 Which is also one hundred and fifty six million eight hundred thousand.
There are 800 millions in 800 million.
Three million, ten thousand, eight hundred.