0.1 inch or 0.10 inch or 0.100 inch
There are 4 thousands in 84983. There are 84 thousands in 84,983 (Eighty four thousand nine hundred and eighty three.)
Three hundred forty-two thousands in decimal form is 342,000
To write one million eighty thousand, you would write it as 1,080,000. This number is composed of the numeral 1 followed by three groups of three zeros, representing the millions, thousands, and units places, respectively. This format follows the standard place value system used in English-speaking countries.
$84,000.00To write a check: Eighty-four thousand and 00/100 dollars
eighty eight thousands
Two hundred eighty seven thousands eight hundred & eighty three.
thirty four and eighty seven thousands
It is: 986,000 = nine hundred and eighty six thousand
$1,580 dollars!
You can write one thousand five hundred eighty dollars as either $1,580 or one thousand five hundred eighty dollars.
0.1 inch or 0.10 inch or 0.100 inch
0.003 inches.
0.0004 inches