0.1 inch or 0.10 inch or 0.100 inch
There are 4 thousands in 84983. There are 84 thousands in 84,983 (Eighty four thousand nine hundred and eighty three.)
To write one million eighty thousand, you would write it as 1,080,000. This number is composed of the numeral 1 followed by three groups of three zeros, representing the millions, thousands, and units places, respectively. This format follows the standard place value system used in English-speaking countries.
$84,000.00To write a check: Eighty-four thousand and 00/100 dollars
You write it like this. Three million, eighty-nine thousand, eighty-nine.
eighty eight thousands
Two hundred eighty seven thousands eight hundred & eighty three.
thirty four and eighty seven thousands
It is: 986,000 = nine hundred and eighty six thousand
$1,580 dollars!
You can write one thousand five hundred eighty dollars as either $1,580 or one thousand five hundred eighty dollars.
0.1 inch or 0.10 inch or 0.100 inch
0.003 inches.
0.0004 inches