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you multiply for example 2to the 5th power =2x2x2x2x2Writing exponents in standard form is simple and easy to do. For every exponent you have to put a zero.

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Q: How do you write Exponents in Standard Form?
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If you mean 3.57*10^6 then it is equivalent to 3,570,000

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What are Numbers written without exponents?

Numbers written without exponents are called Standard Form.

Numbers written without exponents are in what form?

I would say they are in standard form, but I would be more likely just to ask you to write a simplified number without using exponents. The terminology can vary, but the following example shows the usual names: 1,023 is in standard form. One thousand twenty-three is in word form. 1000 + 20 + 3 is in expanded form.

In powers and exponents what does standard form mean?

It means the number form of the exponent.

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To write 27 in standard form, you would simply write the number as it is, without any exponents or special notation. In this case, 27 in standard form is just 27. Standard form is the most common way of representing numbers and does not involve any additional mathematical operations or symbols.

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