It is 175/1 as a fraction and 175 as a whole number. There is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
its called a mixed fraction the first number which is the whole goes in the front then the fraction is behind it.
Write the product of the whole number and fraction numerator over the denominator. If it is an improper fraction you may need to reduce it.
Count how many parts there are in total (both shaded and unshaded) and write this as the denominator (bottom number) of the fraction. Count how many shaded parts there are and write this as the numerator (top number) of the fraction. You now have the fraction of the whole that is shaded.
The whole number x can be written as x/1.
how to write 6/9 as a product of a whole number and a unit fraction.
To write a whole number as a fraction, you take the whole number over "one". 460/1 460 over 1
It is 175/1 as a fraction and 175 as a whole number. There is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
It is 70/1 as a fraction and 70 as a whole number. There is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
its called a mixed fraction the first number which is the whole goes in the front then the fraction is behind it.
The recommended method in schools is to write the whole number as a rational fraction with denominator 1, and then proceed as you would for subtracting one fraction from another fraction.
293 is not a fraction or a mixed number. It is a whole number, and whole numbers cannot be simplified.
Write the product of the whole number and fraction numerator over the denominator. If it is an improper fraction you may need to reduce it.
u can write it as a mixed number or a whole number
49/7 is the equivalent fraction.
Count how many parts there are in total (both shaded and unshaded) and write this as the denominator (bottom number) of the fraction. Count how many shaded parts there are and write this as the numerator (top number) of the fraction. You now have the fraction of the whole that is shaded.
The whole number x can be written as x/1.