Find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and the denominator of the ratio. If the GCF is 1 you are done. If not divide both, the numerator and the denominator, by the GCF and then you are done.
For example:
3/7: the GCF is 1 so the ratio cannot be simplified.
3/6: the GCF is 3 so the ratio is 1/2
18/7 is in its simplest form.
It is: 20/120 = 1/6 in its simplest form
14:45 written as a fraction in simplest form is 1/3
46/54 = 23/27; as there is now a prime number in the fraction, that is its simplest form.
The correct answer would be 3/4
divde 120 sweets by the ratio 1:3
18/7 is in its simplest form.
if yo mean 8/12 then it is 2/3 in its simplest form
1 to 2
It is: 20/120 = 1/6 in its simplest form
Both 2/27 and 22/7 are in their simplest form.
1::2 is the simplest form...