Five hundred eighty-two thousandths.
Nine hundred forty three ten thousandths.
8.0025 = eight and twenty-five ten-thousandths.
0.10 in decimal word form is one tenth.
0.03 = three hundredths.
Thirty-seven hundredths.
Sixty-one thousandths
twenty seven and five hundredths
To write the word name for the decimal 70.07, you would start by reading the whole number part, which is 70. This is read as "seventy." Next, you would say "and" to represent the decimal point, followed by the fractional part. In this case, the fractional part is 07, which is read as "seven hundredths." Therefore, the word name for the decimal 70.07 is "seventy and seven hundredths."
Five hundred eighty-two thousandths.
Two and fifty-six thousandths.
355.00 = three hundred fifty-five.
One hundred twenty and six tenths.
One and three hundred eight thousandths.
Nine hundred forty three ten thousandths.
8.0025 = eight and twenty-five ten-thousandths.