To write eight and a half thousand, you would write 8,500. The number 8 represents the thousands place, the number 5 represents the hundreds place, and the number 0 represents the tens place. The "and a half" portion is represented by the number 5 in the hundreds place.
how do you write a check for eight thousand and no dollars
Eight thousand eight.
Two Thousand and Eight, or two thousand eight.
Seventeen and one half thousand is numerically represented as 17,500.
8, 500or if in words:eight thousand, five hundred
how do you write a check for eight thousand and no dollars
eight hundred eight thousand, eight hundred eight.
Eight thousand eight.
8,000 or eight-thousand
As a number eight thousand million is: 8,000,000,000
Eight million, eighty thousand, eight hundred = 8,080,800.
2068. If you want to know how to write it in English, you did it correctly: two thousand sixty eight.
You would write eight thousand three hundred
Two Thousand and Eight, or two thousand eight.
The standard form is 808,000
Forty-eight thousand, two