To write eighty-one thousandths as a decimal, you would place the digit 81 after the decimal point and then add three zeros to represent the thousandths place. This would give you 0.081 as the decimal representation of eighty-one thousandths.
Eighty-one and four hundred eighty-four thousandths in decimal notation is 81.484
Three and four thousand, two hundred eighty-seven ten-thousandths.
The decimal form is 0.0087
Three and ten thousandths would be 3.01 as a decimal.
You write it as: 3.085.
It is 0.583
Two and three hundred eighty-five thousandths hours in decimal form is 2.385 hours.
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 3.085.
To write eighty-one thousandths as a decimal, you would place the digit 81 after the decimal point and then add three zeros to represent the thousandths place. This would give you 0.081 as the decimal representation of eighty-one thousandths.
you write it as 550.0083
Eighty-one and four hundred eighty-four thousandths in decimal notation is 81.484