five-thousand pounds
you write 85 thousand in digits is like this Eighty- five -thousand
Five thousand, five hundred.
500,000 OR five hundred thousand.
two thousand five hundred;)
four and five hundred fifthy- eight thousandths in decimal= 4.558
how do I write five thousand **************************************** 5,000
5000, five thousand
how do i write five thousand
five-thousand pounds
To write "five thousand and ten," you would write it as "5,010." This is the standard way to represent this number using digits and commas to separate the thousands. It is important to place the comma after the digit representing the thousands place to maintain the correct place value.
Cincuenta y siete.
Oh, that's a beautiful number to write out! To express 5 million 500 thousand in numbers, you would write it as 5,500,000. Just imagine each zero as a happy little tree in your number landscape, adding depth and beauty to your numerical masterpiece.
You write two million and ninety five thousand as 2,095,000