Seven thousandths = 0.007 in decimal form.
Decimal 0.0053, otherwise 53/10000
It is 0.058
5,600 thousandths is 5.6
Seven thousandths = 0.007 in decimal form.
three --- .03 eight hundred fifty two thousandths--- .000852
Assuming you mean five and three thousandths, the decimal would be 5.003. If you mean, fifty-three thousandths, the decimal would be .053.
three and fifty eight thousandths
Oh, honey, it's simple. Three hundred fifty and four thousandths in decimal form is 350.004. Just move the decimal point three places to the right to convert the fraction to a decimal. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Decimal 0.0053, otherwise 53/10000
you write it as 550.0083