How do you write an expression
You could write it as 0.71 Euros.You could write it as 0.71 Euros.You could write it as 0.71 Euros.You could write it as 0.71 Euros.
To write the number foruteen as a fraction you write: 14/1.
How do you write a numerical value of 250 salary
Write it as 26.2
I really hate write Hangul on keyboard because it is not easy to up and down for typing as Hangul.
If you want something that shows you how to write hangul than there are many websites available that can do just that. You can easily print off the hangul alphabet so you have a hard copy to learn from. The hangul alphabet is quite easy to pick up in a few minutes. Remember- practice makes perfect!! If you are looking for a korean dictionary with words to learn, they shouldn't be too hard to find. MAybe your local library might have one? I hope I answered your question sufficiently^_^ Good luck, hwaiting!!
You write dong bang shin ki in hangul like this:동방신기
ke lae
카트리나 (Kateulina)
빠멜라 pamela
The name 'ahn dihyun' in Hangul simply translates to Michelle Obama.
Gloria - 글로리아,(Geullolia)
Michelle in Hangul is: 미쉘. Obama is: 오바마. Hope this helps.
'Seo Soo Bin' is written as μμλΉ in Hangul, and 'Solbii' is written as μλΉ in Hangul.
Kibum in Hangul is, 기범.