Twenty-three million
One hundred sixty thousand
In english: Seven thousand, two hundred and fifteen.
$88,000,000 or $88000000 or $88 000 000
88000000 * * * * * Actually, 1 ton = 2240 pounds so 98560000 pounds.
It is not clear if your PhD is in English or you want to write a letter in English. If you want to write a letter in English you should ask this question: How do you write a letter in English asking for PhD supervision.
How do you write the number 04.05.1984 in English?
There are millions of people on the planet who cannot read or write English !
we will write 100,500
Read read read read. And then write write write write.
How to write 2012 in letters
Numbers are the same in Spanish and English. You write 7,080 just like in English.
There is not a way to write Thai address in English. This is written in a different language.
If they know the language, then yes. They also "borrow" English words and on occasion write them in English instead of katakana.
yes she can speak really good english and read not perfect but she can read but she does not write english