Multiply the denominator by the whole number, then multiply that by the numerator. Put that answer over the original denominator.
Improper fraction: 43/8 Mixed numbers: 6 1/8
step 1 write each mixed number as an improper fraction step 2 look for common factor and simplify step 3 multiply write the product as a mixed number
Fraction: -11/10 Mixed number: = -11/10
first you look at fraction and then you divide the numerator with denominator.
It is 175/1 as a fraction and 175 as a whole number. There is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
Seven fifths is written as an improper fraction- one where the numerator is larger than the denominator- as 7/5. It is written as a mixed number- a number with an integer and a fraction- as 1 and 2/5.
It is 8/3.
2.7011 = 2701⁄1000 and 2 701⁄1000
U find the place its in and write
An improper fraction is a fraction where the top number, numerator, is larger than the bottom, denominator.1 2/3= 5/3
You can write any fraction greater than 1 as a mixed fraction. It is not customary to use mixed fractions for ratios.
Before you can do that, you need to write each mixed number as an improper fraction, and then write both fractions with a common denominator. The only other choice is to write both mixed numbers as decimals, and then add them.
Improper fraction: 43/8 Mixed numbers: 6 1/8
In mixed number form you can have 13 7/10 In inproper fraction form you have 13 x the denominator 10 + the numerator 7 which is 130+7 = 137 keeping the originaly denominator, thus 137/10
293 is not a fraction or a mixed number. It is a whole number, and whole numbers cannot be simplified.
It is impossible to write a proper fraction as a mixed number because proper fractions are less than 1, and mixed numbers are greater than 1.