The numeral for eighteen million three hundred six thousand is 18,306,000. In this number, the digit 1 is in the ten million place, the digit 8 is in the million place, the digit 3 is in the hundred thousand place, the digit 0 is in the ten thousand place, and the digit 6 is in the thousand place.
The numeral is.. 6,014,385
A standard numeral is stating a number in number form. Examples: one hundred = 100 one thousand = 1,000 ten thousand = 10,000 one hundred thousand = 100,000 one million = 1,000,000
The standard form is 290,800,000
what is the numeral for eighteen thousand and twenty nine
This is the numeral "four hundred thousand" (and no hundredths). The currency value $400,000.00 is "four hundred thousand dollars" (and no cents).
XVIIIDCCL (just put a bar on top of XVIII)
The numeral for eighteen million three hundred six thousand is 18,306,000. In this number, the digit 1 is in the ten million place, the digit 8 is in the million place, the digit 3 is in the hundred thousand place, the digit 0 is in the ten thousand place, and the digit 6 is in the thousand place.
The numeral 4000.00 is "four thousand" and the currency "four thousand dollars".
With zeroes after the decimal point, the numeral is simply "forty thousand three hundred". As a dollar amount, it is "forty thousand three hundred dollars and no cents".
The numeral 100,400.00 is "one hundred thousand, four hundred" (and no hundredths). The US currency value $100,400.00 is "one hundred thousand, four hundred dollars" (and no cents).
The correct spelling is "one hundred and fifty eight"
The numeral for one million eight hundred and eight thousand is 1,808,000.