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Q: How do you write one hundred one hundredths as a decimal?
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To write one hundred and one thousand four hundred and eleven-hundredths in numbers, you would write it as 101,400.11. The whole number part is 101,400, and the decimal part is .11, which represents eleven-hundredths. The decimal point separates the whole number part from the fractional part, which is expressed as a decimal.

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To write one hundred and two hundredths as a decimal, you would write it as 100.02. The whole number 100 represents the one hundred, and the two hundredths are represented by the decimal point followed by the number 02. This is the standard way to represent a mixed number as a decimal.

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How do you write decimal number 120.09 in words?

Being English I write it as: one hundred and twenty, and nine hundredths; or one hundred and twenty point zero nine. Americans are likely to write it: one hundred twenty and nine hundredths