Five point two zero zero
To write 0.305 in words, you would say "zero point three zero five." The number 0.305 is read as "zero point three zero five," where "point" is used to represent the decimal point and each digit is read individually.
Thirty Five Million Dollars and Zero Cents or 35,000,000
15 million thousandths OR Zero point zero zero zero zero one five
25,030,000 twenty-five point zero three million twenty-five million thirty thousand
point zero five five or zero point zero five five or fifty-five thousandths
Zero point seven five eight.
Fifteen hundred point zero zero zero. One five zero zero point zero zero zero. One thousand five hundred point zero zero zero.
five point zero zero zero six five four
Twenty-five point zero zero.
Zero point zero five or five hundredths or one twentieth
Zero point five two five five
There are lots of ways you could write it. Here are just three: One five point zero zero one five. Fifteen point zero zero one five. Fifteen and fifteen ten-thousandths.
Five point zero zero zero three.
Ten point naught naught five naught six. OR Ten point zero zero five zero six.