You can write one thousand and two hundred and two dollars as $1,202.00, or as $1,202 if it is to be rounded without showing cents.
One thousand six hundred dollars is the answer
You can write one million two hundred and forty thousand dollars as $1,240,000.00
Three thousand three hundred and 00/100 dollars
You write it $105,071.00.
one million and one hundred thousand dollars
One thousand six hundred dollars is the answer
You can write one million two hundred and forty thousand dollars as $1,240,000.00
You can write one thousand five hundred eighty dollars as either $1,580 or one thousand five hundred eighty dollars.
One thousand nine hundred and 00/100 dollars
One hundred thousand and 00/100
One hundred sixty thousand US Dollars.
Do you mean one hundred thousand, if so you write it like this 100,000
One thousand four hundred and 00/100 dollars
One thousand six hundred and 00/100 dollars
One thousand one hundred fifty and 00/100 dollars