1000. The symbol for the measurement units and whether it comes before or after the numbers depends on whether it is a measure of mass or currency and, in the latter case, the currency of which country.
1,500,000 pounds in numbers
150 pounds.
In numbers 1070 putting it in words one thousand and seventy.
One million, One thousand and sixty.
To write one thousand twenty five in numbers, you would write it as 1,025. This is because the number 1 represents one thousand, and the numbers 0, 2, and 5 represent twenty and five, respectively. Therefore, when combined, it is written as 1,025.
One thousand and fifty pounds, in numbers is £1050
1,500,000 pounds in numbers
1,040 lbs
125,000 lbs.
$1090 - one thousand and ninety $1009 - one thousand and nine
In roman numerals its- MIV (with a bar over it). In Numbers it's 1,004,000 pounds.
1,011,000 pounds.
150 pounds.
2100 pounds.
In numbers 1070 putting it in words one thousand and seventy.
one million, one hundred ninety thousand pounds