Thirty-nine and one one-thousandth.
It is: 206/1000 = 0.206 as a decimal
Half a thousandth is written as 0.0005 in decimal form. A thousandth is 0.001, so half of that is 0.0005.
One thousandth.
Four and one thousandth.
Nine and one ten-thousandth.
Thirty-nine and one one-thousandth.
Expressed as a decimal number, this is equal to 8.001.
It is 6.303
As in words, one thousandth. As in numbers, it uses a decimal point.
Oh, isn't that a lovely number to work with! To write one hundred and one thousandth in decimal form, you would write it as 0.101. Just imagine that little zero at the front, like a happy little cloud in the sky, followed by the numbers one, zero, and one, all lined up in a row, ready to bring a smile to anyone's face.