In word form: two million, four hundred five.
Two point four million or 2 million four hundred thousand.
Eight million four hundred thousand nine hundred fifty-one is 8,400,951
You can write that as you wrote in the question: "4.76 million". This would be pronounced as "4 point seven six million". You can also write it as "4 million, seven-hundred and sixty thousand".
four hundred million and four as a numeral = 400,000,004
Five hundred million, four hundred thousand
two million four hundred thousand = 2,400,000
This is how you write out four million, eight hundred eighty one: 4,000,881
Four hundred sixty million, or 460,000,000.
460,000,202 or Four hundred sixty million and two.
4,000,300 four million, three hundred.
It is 400,000,004